Urdaibai Bird Center has a number of aims

- To increase the knowledge of birds and their habitats within the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.

- To establish tools for the protection and conservation of singular birds and habitats within the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.

- To promote measures to manage the singular ecosystems within the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.

- To develop measures to protect and preserve the habitats of the Reserve in collaboration with landowners, by means of agreements on land stewardship.

- To involve the general public in the center´s activities, bringing them into direct contact with nature and raising their awareness of the environment.

- To conduct training activities in different fields.

- To exchange information and collaborate with other organizations which are similar to the Urdaibai Bird Center, either through their working practice or their location near wetlands situated along the East Atlantic Flyway or the Western Palearctic Flyway.

- To attract researchers from other areas who may contribute to the development of projects in Urdaibai thanks to their knowledge and experiences developed in other regions of Europe or Africa.

- To develop collaboration frameworks with universities, allowing students from technical degrees to participate in research and development projects.

- To promote the adaptation or development of new technologies for the study of nature in general and birds in particular, in collaboration with companies or entities in this field.

- To promote ornithological and environmental tourism through the development of infrastructures and facilities


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