Important loyalty of Common Greenshanks and Common Redshanks to the wintering places

Wednesday, 09 January 2013 07:42

Tringen Albistea copia

During the campaign of marking and tracking of waders of 2010, they were carried out some ringing days in the marsh of Gautegiz Arteaga. In those days, they could be marked some wader species and among them, several Common Greenshanks and Common Redshanks. These ringings were done in order to study the migration and wintering patterns of these interesting birds. After breeding in the tundra of North Europe, they use the marshes of Urdaibai to stop over during their migration to the South, and some of them also pass the winter in our wetland.

The specimens were marked with the official ring and with coded colour rings given by European Colour-Ring Birding for this study. These coloured rings, allow to make subsequent trackings of the specimens without capturing them.

Although the sample of the marked birds was not large, during these three years, the sightings made by some of the collaborators of the center and people fond of birds have been numerous.

That is why we can confirm, that some of the marked specimens have continued coming year after year to very concreted areas of the marsh of Urdaibai to pass the winter with us.

 Tringa nebularia

Common Greenshanks having a rest in the marsh of Gautegiz Arteaga with a white flag and a green ring three years later of its marking.

Tringa totanus

Common Redshank identified last year through some photographies by a collaborator of the center, where he could read the metallic ring.


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